Other related posts

Conversations about CVI
Here is John Ravenscroft and Cathy Williams discussing CVI in children

BBC Scotland documentary – Not In Plain Sight
Our very own Cathy Williams features in this BBC Scotland documentary where Ian Hamilton investigates cerebral visual impairment. Clips from the episode are available here:

International webinar on CVI featuring Cathy Williams
Here is a link to a Worldwide Webinar from the World Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, where our very own Cathy Williams talks about our study and the results

Luke Jerram exhibition
As an outcome of a Leverhulme residency at the Bristol Eye Hospital and BVI (Bristol Vision Institute), University of Bristol, Luke created The Impossible Garden. The exhibition was a set of twelve experimental sculptural artworks, inspired by optical phenomena he explored as part of his residency.

Vision function in children 10 years after grade 3 or 4 intraventricular haemorrhage with ventricular dilation: A masked prospective study