Linkage Study

CVI Feasibility study – additional CVI Linkage study now approved
February 2022
We are delighted to announce that we now have permission from the University of Bristol Faculty of Health Sciences Ethical Committee and the UK Government Department for Education Data Sharing Approval Panel, to link our CVI Feasibility study data to de-identified records of routine data held by DfE for our study schools.
This means we will be able to use these administrative data in our comparison of the two groups of schools in the CVI feasibility study. There will be no personal details attached to the DfE data that we will be given. The DfE data will add great value to our study because all the study children will be represented and so our results will be more accurate. We will be able to see whether the intervention we tested had any overall effect on attendance or attainment in the relevant schools and year groups, during and after the closures due to the pandemic.
If any parent (of a study child) wants to withdraw their child from being included in this Linkage study – please let us know before 11th April 2022. After this date we will request the linked data and will not be able to remove individual children as there will be no way of identifying them.
For more information and details of how to withdraw a child from the Linkage study (before 28 March 2022), please see:
- CVI Linkage study Parent information sheet
- CVI Linkage study Child information sheet
- CVI Linkage study Privacy Notice
If there are any questions or to contact the study, please email, or ring the administrative number for the Centre for Academic Child Health (0117 42 83073) and leave your contact details, asking for Professor Cathy Williams to get in touch.