Our NEW paper on the prevalence of brain-related vision problems in children is out now! Here is a link to the paper, published in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology: Prevalence Paper

Our NEW paper on the prevalence of brain-related vision problems in children is out now! Here is a link to the paper, published in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology: Prevalence Paper
We are very pleased that the protocol papers for our CVI Project Feasibility Study are now published in the BMJ Open. In these papers we set out the rational and methods for testing the feasibility of a school based intervention for children with CVI. Link to the Trial protocol: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/11/5/e044830.full Link to the Process Evaluation …
We are pleased to share our new paper, investigating the views of primary school staff about receiving and using external specialist advice. We hope the insights from this qualitative study will support people working in primary schools with children who have a visual impairment. The interviews in our study revealed four major themes: understanding the …